Bandung District Region has many resorts which offer beautiful scenery and interesting legend. One of them is Ciwidey District located in the southern part of Bandung Regency. In this area there is an interesting tourist attraction is the White crater.
White crater is a crater lake with an altitude of 2434 meters from Patuha above sea level with temperatures between 8-22 ° C. On top of that there is Patuha Saat Crater, Saat means the average low tide in Sundanese language, which in the west and beneath White crater with a height of 2194 meters above sea level. Both craters are formed by the eruption that occurred around the 10th century and 12 the last. White crater is located about 46 km from the city of Bandung or 35 km from the capital, Bandung regency, Soreang, toward Ciwidey.
Crater Lake White has distinctive features and unique characteristics. The water in the crater lake will change color, sometimes colored bluish green apple when the blazing sun and fine weather, sometimes also the color of chocolate milk. Most commonly seen in white water is thick with fog on the upper surface of the crater. In addition to the crater surface is white, sand and rocks in the vicinity is dominated by white, then the crater is called White crater.