The Comparison of the Electrical Grid System in Indonesia with Other Countries

Indonesia is a developing country which the total population is increasingly growing. This also makes Indonesia as a nation to the world's fourth most populous. But with such a large population, Indonesia is considered less successful in terms of utilization of human resources and natural resources. Talking about human resources in Indonesia can actually say they have less energy professionals. They are considered less professional if compared with the human resources in another country. Not only about any human resources, technological factors are also considered as one of the things that inhibit the development in Indonesia. Therefore it is reasonable to say the technology in Indonesia lagged far from the technology out there. for example, in the “Creative Writing” book I've learned, there are two totally different picture. Both picture are shows the different electrical systems.
In the first picture we can see clearly, that in Indonesia the existing electrical grid system looks neat. Many cables purposely installed on leave irregular. The cable is of course very dangerous for anyone who touched it. You can imagine how if there is damage to the system flow then there is someone who wants to fix it only with his bare hands without carrying safety equipment, as shown in the first picture. What will be happen to that person? Of course it is very dangerous. Because the consequences can be life threatening person. In addition, there are other things to concerned here. Poor electricity system in Indonesia is actually the result of a lack of professional personnel who are skilled in the art. In addition, other things that influence is not limited advanced technology that we have in Indonesia. Especially in this case human resources in Indonesia lack of support from the government. They lack the training so that their abilities and their knowledge about modern technology is also less than the maximum. This is what makes Indonesia so far behind other countries out there.
Whereas in the second picture, the fact that there are inversely proportional. Existing systems in the country already looks more modern, more sophisticated and certainly more secured. Electrically conductive cables that they use is not like in Indonesia. They were put under the cable and embedded in the ground. So security was very awake. In this second picture, the machine they use to move or distribute electricity is very modern, they were using windmills to drive. Experts they use is also not arbitrary, they can use a person who is experienced in the electric field. So that their results are also very good. This is the factor of their success. Overseas governments endorse and is also highly skilled in managing natural resources and human resources that are there. The government did not hesitate in giving the best service for the community.
I think this is what we have to fix now as citizens of Indonesia Indonesia who want to look better. We must capitalize on existing resources. And together build a better Indonesia longer than before. When capability of human resources could be increased further in the quality of work is not impossible that Indonesia could be equal with the state other developed countries. And the Not be denied role of government is needed at all here. By providing counseling, motivation and adequate facilities I am sure that Indonesia will be able to compete with other nations. And of course this will be very beneficial to the community. so should we build a more modern Indonesia so that we can feel comfortable along. Thank you..

buat pacar

huahaha,,,ternyata dah lama banget saya ga curhat di blog ini,, saya cuma mau bilang kalo saya dah berhasil ngerayain hari ultahnya pacar saya yang ndud itu (tgl 15 sept) dengan sederhana... and yang bikin saya terharu(huah lebaiii)ternyata saya bisa juga memberikakan dia sebuah kado.. walaupun isinya... ya gitu deh...

kamis siang dia dateng ke rumah saya, kebetulan di rumah sedang ada pacarnya ade saya juga, sebenarnya sih saya ga niat bikin suprise buat dia, jadi ya mang ga ada kejutannya.

pas dia dateng, yaudah, kita langsung nyanyiin lagu selamt ulangtahun, eh dia langsung seneng gtu deh,, hahaha(sumpah biassa banget khan?)

yaudah abis gtu kita langsung potong kue, trus saya pun langsung memberinya sebuah kado ... dan berharap dia suka dengan kado sya itu...

PESAN : slamat ulangtahun sayang... (MUHAMMAD KAHFI ZULKARNAIN)
smoga kamu tambah dewasa, banyak rizkinya, smakin sayang dengan keluarga, jadi anak kebanggan buat mereka... sukses untuk kuliah kamu juga... dan,,, tambah sayang sama aku... LOVE YOU...


Dalam kata yang telah ia susun rapi
Kemudian membentuk kalimat indah
Dalam tingkah yang slalu terlihat anggun
serta mepesona
juga dalam suara merdunya kala bersenandung rindu

Hingga saat ini
aku masih slalu merasa kalah
Pernah kau miliki cinta bersamanya
Pernah kau rajut mimpi dengannya
Tapi sadarkah
Itu masa lalumu

Dan dalam tarian waktu yang tak berhenti
Aku masih saaja mencemaskanmu
Utuhkah cinta ini untukku?
Meski yang ia miliki tak ada di diriku

Masihkah ingin kau bohongii aku juga hatimu??

ga penting

ini udah jam 22:38 tapi mata saya ga bisa terpejam juga. parah. dah tiga hari berturut=turut saya slalu tidur larut malam. huft,, mau ngapain ya?? saya bingung...tadinya saya smsan sama pacar saya yang ndud itu, tapi tiba-tiba aja smsannya terputus di tengah jalan raya, di telpon ga di angkat di sms ga di bales, hah,, bisa ditebak pasti si ndud itu udah tidur. well??? saya harus terima kenyataan bahwa saya ditinggal tidur lagi,, ada yang mau nemenin saya smsan???? hahah

akhirnya saya buka aja nih si Tampan satu ini, saya lagi pengen nulis. tapi bingung mau nulis apa. haduh,, yang ada di otak saya dari kemarin hanya pengen makan. saya slalu kelaparan permisa. ga tau knapa? padahal porsi makan saya ga pernah berkurang malah belakangan ini jatah beras yang harus di masak ibu saya jadi bertambah setengah liter lagi, biasanya cuma seliter sehari. coba di hitung,, kalo seliter kemudian di tambah setengah liter lagi jadi berapa ya???? tolong di bantu ya?? *sekedar info,, otak saya agak lemot kalo di suruh ngitung" :p

dari kemarin ibu saya yang kecil mungil dan ga pernah mau dibilang tua itu marah-marah terus karena saya terlalu banyak makan katanya. berikut adalah cuplikannya :

ibu : masya alloh iyom!! makan mulu kerjaan lu,, liat tuh beras mama mau abis,,*sambil nunjuk baskom tempat naro beras* jadi cepet abis kan gara-gara lu!!!"

saya : ya ampun ma, baru juga makan sekali.. *pasang muka polos *dibaca "o-on"

ibu : sekali kalo porsinya segitu mah udah di itung 3 x,, cewe cewe makan kaya orang laki begitu,, ntar badan lo melar lo kaya teh dede (teh dede adalah tanteku yang punya badan super,, lebih super dari si ayang :p )

saya : haduh haduh,, pelit amat si ma, anaknya mau makan juga...

ibu : bukan pelit, kalo doyan makan abis itu kaga tidur sih ga apa=apa, ini mah abis makan tidur!!"

toeng,,, kesentil juga deh sama kata-kata ibu saya, harus di akui liburan smester kali ini saya kebanyakan malesnya. abis makan pasti tidur, biasanya kalo abis makan saya langsung berjemur. lho????

PESAN : buat mama, maafin ya Ma,, berasnya jadi abis gara-gara iyom... gapapa Ma,, si ucok deket kok,, ntar kita beli lagi

PENGAKUAN ; saya memang tlah resmi jadi seorang pemalas belakangan ini :p

lagi bingung

besok harusnya jadi hari yang spesial buat aku dan dia, knapa? Karena besok adalah hari jadian kita berdua. Ga terasa emang, udah setaun lebih aja aku pacaran sama dia. Kok bisa ya?? Padahal mah dulunya kita itu sering banget maen ceng”an waktu di SMP, dan itu artinya sama sekali ga terpikir buat jadian sama makhluk ndud yang satu itu...
ga ada planing buat besok. Ga tau deh mau kemana, paling di rumah aja. Dia juga pasti ke p.gadung. kadang kasian ama dia, pasti cape banget deh kalo tiap hari harus kerja kaya dia, panas”an ampe mukanya jadi dekil gitu, hehe
tapi..hmmm,, sumpah sayang banget sama dia. Tetep bangga sama dia..
Tau ga? 5 hari setelah besok ato tepatnya tanggal 15 itu adalah hari ultahnya. Duh,, makin ribet aje deh nih,, bingung mau kasih kado apaan. Jujur aja nih,, aku ga pernah ngasih kado ke cowo sih, ada juga cowo yang sering ngasih kado ke aku,, SADAP hahaha (pinjem kata”nya ya bii)
Mau kasih apaan ya? Be’o nya tahun kemarin aku ngasih kado yang bener” ga ada bagus”nya. Saking bingungnya mau beli apaan eh yang ke beli malah pajangan yang cocok banget buat cewe. Lupa kalo dia itu beneran cowo tulen. Haha. Tau deh, tuh kado masih dia simpen apa udah di kiloin. Alias di simpen rapet” di 1 kardus trus di iket pake tali rapiah dan akhirnya di loakin... atau malah tuh kado ga jelas dia kasih si kaka trus ama kaka malah di patah”in?? Haha,, aduh-aduh,, si iyom o’on banget. Lagian beliin pacarnya kado malah pajangan dari stik es krim yang kaga jelas gtu. (‘’.’’)
Terakhir kemarin dia bilang sama aku kalo sepatunya yang aslinya warna putih itu udah ga layak buat dipake, “udah pada sobek miii pinggirnya” yaiyalah,, kalo di liat emang bener tuh sepatu udah ga keliatan bentuknya, dari yang warnanya putih susu ampe berubah jadi abu” campur tanah ga jelas gitu. Jadi terinspirasi pengen beliin dia sepatu. Tapi modelnya gimana ya? Ga ngerti sepatu cowo sih, akh,, jadi pusing. Lama” aku beliin bakiak aje kali ya buat dia... hmmm..
Oke deh satu hal,, semoga dia sependapat sama aku,, jangan liat isi kdonya ya yank,, yang penting mah ketelusannya, ahahaha
PESAN : buat sayangku,, met hari jadian ya besok,, kamu harus tau, aku sayang banget sama kamu,, bagaimanapun dan seperti apapun kamu... trimakasih kamu slalu ada buat aku.. love you abiii 

Warung Enjang Bekasi

warung Enjang terletak di jalan utama duren jaya. Suasana yang di hadirkan di rumah makan ini terbentuk dari dari desain bangunan bergaya saung semi modern ini ini memang cukup asyik buat nongkrong, terutama anak anak muda yang memang mempertimbangkan lokasi tak jauh dari sekolah sekolah mereka tentunya.
makanan dan minuman yang tersedia di sini trekenal sangat enak dan lezat. dan umumnya harga yang di tawarkan juga relatif murah dan terjangkau sehingga warung ini selalu ramai di kunjungi setiap hariya. salah satu makanan yang terkenal disini adalah gydeg dan juga bir jawa yang terbuat dari jahe dan gula merah.

Cibolang Bandung

Cibolang hot spring resorts, is a natural hot spring located in Bandung, exactly in the jungle bordering the tea garden. Visitors can tour the daily activities in the region such as picnics, hot showers, swimming, fishing, tracking the Crater Bird and others. This area is famous for cool with tea gardens that give a view on the surroundings.
The facilities available here include Musholla, Heated Swimming Pool, Fishing Pond, Swimming Ngagogo, Room Soak Hot Water, Shelter, Bale Kambang, MCK, Change Room, and Pool Equipment Rental and Fishing, and so many others.

Kampung Cina

One of the interesting places to visit in the area of ​​East Jakarta was the hometown of China (Kampung Cina). Kampung Cina is a place that provides a variety of shops selling various goods typical of China, for example, umbrellas, food, fan, table decorations, wall hangings and etc.
Visitors can also enjoy the scenery shop also nicely landscaped gardens with small pond nearby and can enjoy typical Chinese food that was available there. The most interesting of these attractions is that visistors are not in the entrance fee charged at all costs.

Economic Dimension

Economics is the study of all human behavior in selecting and creating prosperity. central economic problem is there is an imbalance between human needs by satisfying the needs of a limited number. it causes scarcity
The economic dimension is related to the concept of maximizing the revenue stream that can be obtained with at least maintain the productive assets that could be the basis of obtaining such revenues. The main indicator is the economic dimension of efficiency and competitiveness, scale and economic stability. The economic dimension emphasizes aspects of human economic needs both for present or future. .(
The role of the economic dimension is very important in a country. With the economy of this dimension, allowing a state to get additional revenue from an area that does have a place of attraction for tourism.


Aku ingin bsenandung.. Tentang syair penuh rindu..
Seperti kebiasaanku dahulu.
Lalu angin mengajak ku menghilang berSama pekat sang malam..
Dan saat ku terjaga..
Aku sudah di sana.. Di ruangan penuh canda..
Dalam peluk sang ayah ..
Aku tak ingin lari dari tempat ini..
Aku tak ingin beranjak dari damai ini.
Jika boleh meminta kepadaNya..
Esok Tak ingin ku lihat fajar menyapaku lebih awal..
Sung9uh .. Biar jdi cerita panjangku kepada senja,
tentang satU mimpi yang tak mungkin jadi nyata ..

Telaga Warna

Telaga warna is a tourist attraction of small lakes located in District Cisarua, not far from the peak. Lake water is subject to change colors in accordance with nature at that time. The myth that developed that for anyone who wash face with water this lake will always look younger. Near the Dieng temple complex historical legacies, there are telaga warna and Telaga Pengilon which was situated opposite. A vast expanse of lake which traces of a crater that has been dead for thousands of years ago into a lake or pond. formerly a lake, but because the river terbendungnya Write by lava lake resulted into two until now. Entering the area of telaga warna will be treated to a view that is quite beautiful.
Telaga warna reflect 3 colors are: green, red, and blue. The content of sulfur in it reflects the color green, while red algae are based reflective lake redness and crystal clear blue water lake that emerged from the reflection of sun shades. The cost of entry to tourist attractions is very cheap, which is only about Rp.5000. there are many wild animals are still alive in the wild, like monkeys. This place is perfect ubtuk the visit because the scenery is very beautiful

Pelabuhan Ratu

Palabuhanratu Beach is a tourist place situated in the Indian Ocean on the south coast of West Java. Its location is situated about 60 km to the south of the city Sukabumi.Pantai has waves that are strong and therefore dangerous for swimmers beach. The view of the combination of steep and sloping beaches, steep cliffs, pounding waves, and forest nature reserves. Not far from the beach Palabuhanratu how there are several other tourist sites. Karanghawu Beach, located about 20 km from downtown Palabuhanratu,. This place is a beach that juts into the sea reefs and holes in some parts of it. Reefs form more like the furnace, in Sundanese called "Hawu". Other beaches are located in this area include the Coast Cibareno, Cimaja, Cibangban, Break Water, Citepus, Kebon Kelapa, and Tenjo Resmi.

About 17 km from the beach there Palabuhanratu hot springs in Cisolok, the water contains a high sulfur and useful for health. Palabuhanratu around, there are at least nine points for surfing locations, namely in Batu Guram, Karang Sari, Ocean Beach, Cimaja, Karang Haji, Indicator, Sunset Beach, Waves Seven to Edge tiles. Each beach has a wave with its own characteristics. For the visitors of this resort is very suitable for recreation with family.

The Watterfall in Cibodas

One of the many goals of nature tourism in Puncak, West Java, is Cibodas Botanical Garden. Cibodas Botanical Garden is located before Cipanas Market. There are two paths that can be achieved if you want to this place, from Simpang tiga Paregrejen as far as five miles, and from Simpang Cibodas, with the same distance.
Garden tour visitors will be fascinated with the variety of beauty. When you want to walk, visitors can around the location of the botanical garden filled with shady trees. One favorite item is the Araucaria Avenue, a path of rocks overgrown with Araucaria. Not only that, if you want to travel while increasing knowledge, we can stop by to Taman Cibodas. here we can learn and do research. In addition, in this place there are also collections of orchids, cactus, roses, medicinal plants, and others. and the most interesting part of this place is beautiful waterfall.
One of nature tourism is relatively easy to reach, namely Ciismun Waterfall. The presence of this waterfall can be spelled out as an added bonus for visitors who take the time to visit the Cibodas. However, to enjoy the beauty of the 25-meter-high waterfall, visitors must be willing to walk across the tracks (trajectories) rocky. But all of that will pay off when we saw this waterfall. The scenery around this waterfall is very beautiful, filled with green trees.
about 500 meters from the starting point, visitors can breathe for a moment at a resort. As she straightened leg, visitors can enjoy the warmth of coffee or tea and eating boiled noodles. From the resort it, Waterfall Ciismun already visible.

Taman Mini Indonesia

Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is a garden-based culture. Taman Mini Indonesia miniature displays that depict the beauty and diversity of Indonesia in a small area in East Jakarta. Inside the Taman Mini Indonesia Indah there are 26 replicas of traditional houses found across the Indonesian archipelago from Aceh to Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Java and Papua. Miniatures is a portrait of history, arts, crafts and traditions of each province. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah in addition built to education is also for family recreation, Taman Mini has a wide area. Facilities available at this park is also very much, like the flora and fauna, museums, theater performances, Imax theater and many more. Also here are also available houses of worship such as mosques, temples, monasteries, and church.
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah also provides a beautiful lake, and if viewed from above by using a cable car, the lake will form a map of Indonesia. Taman Mini Indonesia Indah is the brainchild of Mrs. Tien Soeharto, Indonesia's former first lady. Taman Mini Construction began in 1971 and inaugurated on April 20, 1975.
For the visitors who want to relax while learning, Taman Mini is the best introduction to the cultural diversity of this country. Taman Mini is the ideal park for families to be more familiar with regional cultures.

Curuk Cilember

Cilember is a village located in Cisarua, Puncak, West Java. One of the top destinations in this region is Wana Wisata Curug Cilember. In Curug Cilember, you will face the challenge to be able to visit seven waterfalls in the region with the increasingly difficult terrain. At the start of a waterfall into seven easily accessible, up to a waterfall located at the top. With only take about 1.5 - 2 hours from Jakarta, Curug Cilember tour can be an option for those who want to relax with family on weekends.
This place is strategic, comprehensive and beautiful enough for large family reunions, holidays with the kids, or leisure. Conducting activities in nature and spend the night here is quite pleasant. Do not worry, here are a few villas, small mosque, a toilet and clean bathroom ..

Wanawisata Cilember waterfall is a good place for kids to know nature, learn to live independently, and admire the beauty. The main goal is to visit seven Curug Cilember bertingkat2 Curug reply. Generally, families of tourists enjoy the seventh waterfall is a waterfall nearby, which just a few hundred yards from the gate. Meanwhile, special interest tourism (adventure) can continue to go to six other waterfall above.

Parangtritis Beach

Parangtritis, a beach is very beautiful. This beach we can enjoy its beauty relax with your family or your partner, because the beach is romantic and cool.
Many entertainment that you can enjoy, you can swim beach, but there is a ban not to swim too far edge of the beach, because you feared to be dragged flow until the middle because there are many steep cliffs below the sea.

Here, you do not need to worry, because there are many public baths provided for visitors. In addition, you can also walk around the beach by using Andong (horse carriage) which are available to take you around the edge of the beach.
By late afternoon you can enjoy the sunset (sunset). At night, many food vendors who peddle dekitar food on the beach. You can enjoy the warmth of ginger ‘wedang’ or eat a delicious roasted corn at night, for those of you who want to stay in the region this Parangtritis there are a lot of lodging in the form of hostels or hotels, the price is varied ranging from Rp 30,000 up to 100,000.
To reach the tourist sites Parangtritis you can travel the two alternatives, first, Yogyakarta - Imogiri - siluk - Parangtritis, the distance is about 30 What's interesting about this is the route we were treated to beautiful views to the right and left of the road because there are limestone hills that have a variety of forms - kind and unique.
And the second alternative is to Yogyakarta - Kretek - Parangtritis, all sorts of vehicles can pass through this route, because it easily can get through this road directly to beach

Taman Safari

Taman Safari Indonesia, situated in the village of Cibeureum, Cisarua, Bogor, West Java, was built in 1980. This park is also located in the National Park of Mount Gede Pangrango and at an altitude of 900-1800 above sea level, as well as having an average temperature of 16-27 degrees Celsius, has been designated as National Tourism by Minister of Tourism, Posts and Telecomunication,Mr.SoesiloSoedarman,
Location Taman Safari Indonesia, located on the highway from Jakarta to Bandung, approximately 80 km from Jakarta or from 1.5 to 2 hours by vehicle. Meanwhile, when from Bandung about 78 km or 3 hours by car.
Collection of animals owned at that time only about 250 tail consisting of 100 different species. Ten years later, in October 1995, a collection of animals at the Safari Park has 2,500 fish of 200 species. The animals in the Safari Park is generally a well protected animals from Indonesia as well as those imported from five benua.Taman Safari - Bogor also have a waterfall in it. To visit it should be done by foot (+ / - 500m). there are many public recreation facilities that can be enjoyed with family.
Safari Park is open every day from 09.00 am to 17.00 pm, with 20,000 adult ticket price, children (under 5 years), 15,000, 10,000 bus tickets, 5,000 cars. Safari Park also organizes safaris in the night (Night Safari) is open from 19.00 until 21:00 pm with a ticket price of Rp 30,000 for adults, 20,000 for children (under 5 yrs), 5,000 for the car .

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