Telaga warna is a tourist attraction of small lakes located in District Cisarua, not far from the peak. Lake water is subject to change colors in accordance with nature at that time. The myth that developed that for anyone who wash face with water this lake will always look younger. Near the Dieng temple complex historical legacies, there are telaga warna and Telaga Pengilon which was situated opposite. A vast expanse of lake which traces of a crater that has been dead for thousands of years ago into a lake or pond. formerly a lake, but because the river terbendungnya Write by lava lake resulted into two until now. Entering the area of telaga warna will be treated to a view that is quite beautiful.
Telaga warna reflect 3 colors are: green, red, and blue. The content of sulfur in it reflects the color green, while red algae are based reflective lake redness and crystal clear blue water lake that emerged from the reflection of sun shades. The cost of entry to tourist attractions is very cheap, which is only about Rp.5000. there are many wild animals are still alive in the wild, like monkeys. This place is perfect ubtuk the visit because the scenery is very beautiful